4.Emoticon Master

Project Introduction

Based on UNIHIKER's 2.8-inch screen, you can realize the EMOJI display function, and you can make a desktop EMOJI ornament. This project is mainly through the draw_emoji(), the realization of the EMOJI display function, a better demonstration of the teaching UNIHIKER display GIF picture function. You can even make your own GIF meme

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Code 1

To display a wink emoji on the UNIHIKER screen, we first use the instantiated GUI object to call the draw_circle() function to draw a circle. Then, we call the draw_emoji() function to add the wink emoji inside the circle.

from unihiker import GUI

#Instantiate a GUI object.
gui = GUI() 

#Create a circle and set color/size
circle = gui.draw_circle(x = 120,y = 140,r = 50,width = 3,color = "#FF6666") 

#Create a wink emoji and set size
emj = gui.draw_emoji(emoji = "Wink",x = 120,y = 140,duration = 0.2) 

#set the origin point as the center of the emoji
emj.config(origin = "center") 

#set the width of the emoji as 100
emj.config(w = 100) 

#Draw a text
Text = gui.draw_text(text = "Emoticon Master",x = 120,y = 210,font_size = 15, color = "#000000")

#Set the origin point as the top of the text
Text.config(origin = "top") 

while True:

Demo Effect 1

Code 2

To display a wink emoji on the UNIHIKER screen, We start by passing a series of images to the code's sibling directory named custom-1.png, custom-2.png ....... Then, in the sample code, we call the draw_emoji() function to let the picture play as a GIF.

from unihiker import GUI  
import time

#emj1 = gui.draw_emoji(x=0, y=0, w=100, h=100, emoji="Wink", duration=0.1, onclick=lambda:cb("emojis clicked"))
#emj2 = gui.draw_emoji(x=120, y=200, w=100, h=100, emoji="Smile", duration=1,origin="center" ,
#onclick=lambda:cb("emojis clicked"))
# Into the image file path of the way, the same level of directory to put multiple frame image files, custom-1.png, custom-2.png, custom-3.png...
gui.draw_emoji(x=0, y=60, w=280,  emoji="custom", duration=0.3)

while True:

Demo Effect 2