本款水压传感器采用DFRobot Gravity标准3-Pin接口,标准5V供电,0.5~4.5V线性电压输出,可兼容各种Arduino控制器。配合DFRobot Gravity IO Expansion Shield,可直插Arduino。无需额外接线。 当它配合电磁阀、微型水流发电机以及其它传感器使用时,还可以通过编程和硬件组合的方式设计出许多智能的系统。可以说,水压传感器就像是贴着水管的听诊器,它会告诉你许多水的信息,包括水的强弱,水的有无。
- 对室内,花园,菜园等生活场所中输水网络的水压进行检测;
- 对江、河、湖、海等户外领域的水压值进行测定;
- 水箱压力值的测量;
- 部分情况下可用于测量液位;
- 测量介质:无腐蚀性液体或气体
- 接线方式:Gravity-3Pin接口 (Signal-VCC-GND)
- 压力量程:0~1.6 MPa
- 输出信号:0.5-4.5 V
- 供电电压:+5 VDC
- 精度等级:0.5%~1%FS (0.5%, 0~55℃)
- 螺纹连接方式:G1/4
- 转接头:G1/2转G1/4
- 防水等级:IP68
- 工作温度:-20~85℃
- 响应时间:<2.0 mS
- 静态电流:2.8 mA
- 性能保证压力:2.0 MPa
- 破坏压力:3.0 MPa
- 循环寿命:1000万次
标号 | 名称 | 功能描述 |
黄色 | Signal | 模拟信号端 |
红色 | VCC | 电源正极5V |
黑色 | GND | 电源负极 |
Arduino 串口数据读取
* @file SEN0257.ino
* @brief Water pressure sensor demo(Computer serial port)
* @n - Obtain the water pressure through the output voltage
* @n of the sensor.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @author DFRobot
* @version V1.0
* @date 2023-07-06
Water Sensor Key Parameter
- Parts No.:KY-3-5
- Sensing range: 0 - 1 MPa
- Input Voltage: 5VDC
- Output Voltage: 0.5 - 4.5 VDC
(Linearly corresponding to 0 - 1 MPa)
- Accuary: 0.5% - 1% FS
Water Sensor Calibration
The output voltage offset of the sensor is 0.5V (norminal).
However, due to the zero-drifting of the internal circuit, the
no-load output voltage is not exactly 0.5V. Calibration needs to
be carried out as follow.
Calibration: connect the 3 pin wire to the Arduio UNO (VCC, GND and Signal)
without connecting the sensor to the water pipe and run the program
for once. Mark down the LOWEST voltage value through the serial
monitor and revise the "OffSet" value to complete the calibration.
After the calibration the sensor is ready for measuring!
const float OffSet = 0.483 ;
float V, P;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // open serial port, set the baud rate to 9600 bps
Serial.println("/** Water pressure sensor demo **/");
void loop()
//Connect sensor to Analog 0
V = analogRead(0) * 5.00 / 1024; //Sensor output voltage
P = (V - OffSet) * 250; //Calculate water pressure
Serial.print(V, 3);
Serial.print(" Pressure:");
Serial.print(P, 1);
Serial.println(" KPa");
- 所需硬件:
- 1 x DFRduino UNO R3
- 1 x IO 传感器扩展板 V7.1
- 1 x Gravity: I2C LCD1602彩色背光液晶屏
- 1 x 7.4V 2500MA 锂电池 (带充放电保护板)
- 若干 杜邦线
* @file SEN0257.ino
* @brief Water pressure sensor demoB(LCD1602)
* @n - Obtain the water pressure through the output voltage
* @n of the sensor.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
* @author DFRobot
* @version V1.0
* @date 2023-07-06
Water Sensor Key Parameter
- Parts No.:KY-3-5
- Sensing range: 0 - 1 MPa
- Input Voltage: 5VDC
- Output Voltage: 0.5 - 4.5 VDC
(Linearly corresponding to 0 - 1 MPa)
- Accuary: 0.5% - 1% FS
Water Sensor Calibration
The output voltage offset of the sensor is 0.5V (norminal).
However, due to the zero-drifting of the internal circuit, the
no-load output voltage is not exactly 0.5V. Calibration needs to
be carried out as follow.
Calibration: connect the 3 pin wire to the Arduio UNO (VCC, GND and Signal)
without connecting the sensor to the water pipe and run the program
for once. Mark down the LOWEST voltage value through the serial
monitor and revise the "OffSet" value to complete the calibration.
After the calibration the sensor is ready for measuring!
#include <Wire.h>
#include "DFRobot_RGBLCD1602.h" //LCD头文件
const float OffSet = 0.483 ;
float V;
int P;
unsigned int lcdR = 0, lcdG = 0, lcdB = 0;
unsigned long delaytime = 0, lighttime = 0;
Change the RGBaddr value based on the hardware version
Moudule | Version| RGBAddr|
LCD1602 Module | V1.0 | 0x60 |
LCD1602 Module | V1.1 | 0x6B |
LCD1602 RGB Module | V1.0 | 0x60 |
LCD1602 RGB Module | V1.1 | 0x2D |
DFRobot_RGBLCD1602 lcd(/*RGBAddr*/0x60 ,/*lcdCols*/16,/*lcdRows*/2); //16 characters and 2 lines of show
void setup()
Serial.println("hello start");
lighttime = millis();
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Water Pressure:");
lcd.setRGB(255, 255, 0);
void loop()
lcdR = random(256);
lcdG = random(256);
lcdB = random(256);
if (millis() - lighttime > 3000)
lcd.setRGB(lcdR, lcdG, lcdB);
lighttime = millis();
V = analogRead(5) * 5.00 / 1024; //Sensor output voltage
P = (V - OffSet) * 250 * 10; //Calculate water pressure
lcd.setCursor(3, 1);
lcd.print( P / 10000 % 10); //LCD显示
lcd.print( P / 1000 % 10);
lcd.print( P / 100 % 10);
lcd.print( P / 10 % 10);
lcd.print( P % 10);
lcd.print(" kPa");

- 为了保证接口的密闭性,需要安装防水垫片并在螺丝口缠绕适量的生料带;
- 由于压力传感器所涉压力一般较大,所以使用时应做好一定的防护措施;