DFR0520 100K 双路数字电位器


数字电位器Digital Potentiometer(简称Digital Pot)是一种可以通过Arduino等微控制器编程控制,动态地改变阻值的CMOS模数混合集成电路。与传统机械式电位器相比,数字电位器具有使用灵活(编程控制)、体积小(芯片)、可靠性高(没有机械部件)等显著优点,可在多种应用场景代替传统机械电位器。数字电位器常用于音频播放设备的程控音量调节中,如智能音箱、手机、音乐播放器中的音量调节。此外,如果配合运算放大器,数字电位器还可以用于动态改变电路的主要参数,如:LED直流调光(输出电流)、线性稳压电源(输出电压)、振荡器(频率和振幅)、低通滤波器(带宽)和差分放大器(增益)等应用场景中。

本模块使用MCP42100 100K双路数字电位器,宽供电电压(DC 2.7V-5.5V),兼容目前绝大部分微控制器的3.3V或5V供电,带有两路可独立工作的数字电位器POT0和POT1,256级电阻抽头。该模块体积小(20.0mm*18.0mm),预留SO引脚(串行数据输出),可将多个模块级联使用。配合I/O扩展板与所附送的5P多对一公对公杜邦线,可方便地与Arduino进行快速连接。



管脚名 功能描述
VCC 电源 (DC 2.7V - 5.5V)
GND 地 (电源负极)
SI 串行数据输入
CS 片选
SCK 串行时钟
SO 串行数据输出
PAx 电位器A引脚(x=0,1)
PBx 电位器B引脚(x=0,1)
PWx 电位器W抽头引脚(x=0,1)


  1. 引脚A、B和W与机械电位器一样,无极性之分
  2. 流经引脚A、B和W的电流不能超过±1mA
  3. 施加在引脚A、B和W上的电压应在0 - VCC之间









        Dual Digital Pot(100K)
       This example generates two triangular waves to demo the usage of
       dual digital pot.

       Created 2017-8-31
       By Henry Zhao <Henry.zhao@dfrobot.com>

       GNU Lesser Genral Public License.
       See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
       All above must be included in any redistribution.

/***********************Circuit Connections*******************
      Digital Pot  |   Arduino UNO R3    |   Oscilloscope
          CS       |     D10 (SS)        |
          SI       |     D11 (MOSI)      |
          CLK      |     D13 (SCK)       |
      VCC,PA0,PA1  |       VCC           |
      GND,PB0,PB1  |       GND           |     CH1- CH2-
          W0       |                     |       CH1+
          W1       |                     |       CH2+

   1.Resistor terminals Ax,Bx and Wx have no restrictions on
     polarity with respect to each other.
   2.Current through terminals A, B and W should not excceed ±1mA.
   3.Voltages on terminals A, B and W should be within 0 - VCC.

#include <SPI.h>

/***********************PIN Definitions*************************/
// set pin 4 as the slave select (SS) for the digital pot:
// for using the SD SPI interface of Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7.1
//const int CS_PIN = 4;

// set pin 10 as the slave select (SS) for the digital pot
// for using Arduino UNO
const int CS_PIN = 10;

/***********************MCP42XXX Commands************************/
//potentiometer select byte
const int POT0_SEL = 0x11;
const int POT1_SEL = 0x12;
const int BOTH_POT_SEL = 0x13;

//shutdown the device to put it into power-saving mode.
//In this mode, terminal A is open-circuited and the B and W terminals are shorted together.
//send new command and value to exit shutdowm mode.
const int POT0_SHUTDOWN = 0x21;
const int POT1_SHUTDOWN = 0x22;
const int BOTH_POT_SHUTDOWN = 0x23;

/***********************Customized Varialbes**********************/
//resistance value byte (0 - 255)
//The wiper is reset to the mid-scale position upon power-up, i.e. POT0_Dn = POT1_Dn = 128
int POT0_Dn = 128;
int POT1_Dn = 128;
int BOTH_POT_Dn = 128;

//Function Declaration
void DigitalPotTransfer(int cmd, int value);     //send the command and the wiper value through SPI

void setup()
  pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);   // set the CS_PIN as an output:
  SPI.begin();     // initialize SPI:

void loop()
  // change the resistance on the POT0 from min to max:
  for (int POT_Dn = 0; POT_Dn < 256; POT_Dn++) {
    DigitalPotWrite(POT0_SEL, POT_Dn);

  // change the resistance on the POT0 from max to min:
  for (int POT_Dn = 0; POT_Dn < 256; POT_Dn++) {
    DigitalPotWrite(POT0_SEL , 255 - POT_Dn);

void DigitalPotWrite(int cmd, int val)
  // constrain input value within 0 - 255
  val = constrain(val, 0, 255);
  // set the CS pin to low to select the chip:
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
  // send the command and value via SPI:
  // Set the CS pin high to execute the command:
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);

实验结果 从示波器可观察到两组相位相反的三角波信号。若将该信号放大观察,可发现该三角波由很多阶梯组成,每级阶梯对应一个抽头电阻W的位置,其宽度正好对应每次改变电位器的延时1ms,三角波上升半周期和下降半周期分别由256级阶梯组成,因此整个三角波的周期为256*2=512ms。由此可见,两路数字电位器可快速切换抽头位置,稳定时间达到微秒级别




        Dual Digital Pot (100K)
       This example serves as a template to control the MCP42100 dual
       digital pot through 3-wire SPI.

       Created 2017-8-31
       By Henry Zhao <Henry.zhao@dfrobot.com>

       GNU Lesser Genral Public License.
       See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
       All above must be included in any redistribution.

/********************Device Inctrduction**********************
   The MCP42100 has dual potentiometer x (x=0,1).
     Ax - Potenriometer terminal Ax
     Wx - Potenriometer Wiper
     Bx - Potenriometer terminal Bx

     SI - Serial Data Input
     SCK - Serial Clock
     CS - Chip Select

     The MCP42100 is SPI-compatible,and two bytes should be sent to control it.
     The first byte specifies the potentiometer (POT0: 0x11, POT1: 0x12, both: 0x13).
     The second byte specifies resistance value for the pot (0 - 255).

/***********************Circuit Connections*******************
     Digital Pot | Arduino UNO R3
         CS      |    D10 (SS)
         SI      |    D11 (MOSI)
         CLK     |    D13 (SCK)
         VCC     |      VCC
         GND     |      GND

/***********************Resistances Calculation**************
   Rwa(Dn) =Rab*(256 - Dn) / 256 + Rw
   Rwb(Dn) =Rab*Dn / 256 + Rw

   Rwa - resistance between Terminal A and wiper W
   Rwb - resistance between Terminal B and wiper W
   Rab - overall resistance for the pot (=100KΩ ±30%)
   Rw - wiper resistance (=125Ω,typical; =175Ω max)
   Dn - 8-bit value in data register for pot number n (= 0 - 255)

   1.Resistor terminals Ax,Bx and Wx have no restrictions on
     polarity with respect to each other.
   2.Current through terminals A, B and W should not excceed ±1mA.
   3.Voltages on terminals A, B and W should be within 0 - VCC.

#include <SPI.h>

/***********************PIN Definitions*************************/
// set pin 4 as the slave select (SS) for the digital pot:
// for using the SD SPI interface of Gravity IO Expansion Shield for Arduino V7.1
//const int CS_PIN = 4;

// set pin 10 as the slave select (SS) for the digital pot
// for using Arduino UNO
const int CS_PIN = 10;

/***********************MCP42XXX Commands************************/
//potentiometer select byte
const int POT0_SEL = 0x11;
const int POT1_SEL = 0x12;
const int BOTH_POT_SEL = 0x13;

//shutdown the device to put it into power-saving mode.
//In this mode, terminal A is open-circuited and the B and W terminals are shorted together.
//send new command and value to exit shutdowm mode.
const int POT0_SHUTDOWN = 0x21;
const int POT1_SHUTDOWN = 0x22;
const int BOTH_POT_SHUTDOWN = 0x23;

/***********************Customized Varialbes**********************/
//resistance value byte (0 - 255)
//The wiper is reset to the mid-scale position upon power-up, i.e. POT0_Dn = POT1_Dn = 128
int POT0_Dn = 128;
int POT1_Dn = 128;
int BOTH_POT_Dn = 128;

//Function Declaration
void DigitalPotTransfer(int cmd, int value);     //send the command and the resistance value through SPI

void setup()
  pinMode(CS_PIN, OUTPUT);    // set the CS_PIN as an output:
  SPI.begin();     // initialize SPI:

void loop()

  DigitalPotWrite(POT0_SEL, POT0_Dn);                 //set the resistance of POT0
  DigitalPotWrite(POT1_SEL, POT1_Dn);                 //set the resistance of POT1
  //DigitalPotWrite(BOTH_POT_SEL, BOTH_POT_Dn);         //set the resistance of both potentiometers

  //DigitalPotWrite(POT0_SHUTDOWN, POT0_Dn);              //put POT0 into shuntdowm mode, ignore the second parameter
  //DigitalPotWrite(POT1_SHUTDOWN, POT1_Dn);              //put POT1 into shuntdowm mode, ignore the second parameter
  //DigitalPotWrite(BOTH_POT_SHUTDOWN, BOTH_POT_Dn);      //put both potentiometers into shuntdowm mode, ignore the second parameter


void DigitalPotWrite(int cmd, int val)
  // constrain input value within 0 - 255
  val = constrain(val, 0, 255);
  // set the CS pin to low to select the chip:
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, LOW);
  // send the command and value via SPI:
  // Set the CS pin high to execute the command:
  digitalWrite(CS_PIN, HIGH);



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