SHT4X是业内知名的Sensirion公司推出的第四代数字温湿度传感器系列。传承了盛思锐湿度和温度传感器在业界有口皆碑的质量和可靠性,SHT40 可在广阔的测量范围内提供始终如一的高精确度,为用户带来最佳的性价比。
SHT40凭借宽电源电压范围 (3.3 – 5 V) 和顶尖精度(±1.8% 相对湿度,±0.2℃),它拥有更出色的灵活性。
SHT40可以测量 0 至 100% 的相对湿度以及 -40℃ 至 125℃ 的温度,可以达到 ±1.8%的湿度精度和 ±0.2℃温度精度。
凭借 3.3 V 至 5 V 的宽电源电压以及低于0.15mA的低功耗模式,SHTC40非常适合移动和电池驱动型应用,可以非常容易的集成到智能楼宇、天气站、仓库存储、养殖、孵化等应用场景中。
- 高精度
- 低功耗
- 体积小
- 响应快
- 智能楼宇、家具
- 天气站
- 仓库存储
- 动物、植物养殖
- 动物孵化箱
- 植物种子发芽箱
- 通信接口:I2C
- 工作电压:3.3V-5V
- 工作电流:0.34mA(3.3v) / 0.43mA(5v)
- 湿度测量范围:0~100%相对湿度
- 湿度测量精度: ±1.8%
- 温度测量范围:-40~+125℃(-40~+275℉)
- 温度测量精度:±0.2℃
- 响应时间:8S(tau63%)
- 模块尺寸:14*17mm
- 安装孔尺寸:M2(2mm)
- 安装孔间距:10mm
序号 | 丝印 | 功能描述 |
1 | VCC | 电源正极 |
2 | GND | 电源负极 |
3 | SCL | I2C时钟线 |
4 | SDA | I2C数据线 |
- 硬件
- 1 x Arduino UNO控制板
- 1 x SHT40 数字温湿度传感器
- 若干 杜邦线
- 软件
- Arduino IDE, 点击下载Arduino IDE
- 库文件和示例程序
- 主要API接口函数列表
* @brief 对主控板的IIC进行了初始化
void begin();
* @brief 获取温度数据
* @return 温度值,单位:摄氏度
float getTemperature();
* @brief 获取湿度数据
* @return 湿度值,单位:%RH
float getHumidity();
* @brief 获取温湿度数据
* @param tem 存放温度数据的引用
* @param hum 存放湿度数据的引用
void getTemHum(float &tem, float &hum);
* @brief 设置传感器工作模式
* @param mode 传感器的工作模式
* @n SHTC3:
* @n PRECISION_HIGH_CLKSTRETCH_ON Clock Stretching Enabled
* @n PRECISION_HIGH_CLKSTRETCH_OFF Clock Stretching Disabled
* @n PRECISION_LOW_CLKSTRETCH_ON Clock Stretching Enabled & Low Power
* @n PRECISION_LOW_CLKSTRETCH_OFF Clock Stretching Disabled & Low Power
* @n SHT40:
* @n PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_OFF measure T & RH with high precision (high repeatability)
* @n PRECISION_MID_HEATER_OFF measure T & RH with medium precision (medium repeatability)
* @n PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_OFF measure T & RH with lowest precision (low repeatability)
* @n PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_1S activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 200mW @ 3.3V) for 1s
* @n PRECISION_HIGH_HEATER_100MS activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 200mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s
* @n PRECISION_MID_HEATER_1S activate medium heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 110mW @ 3.3V) for 1s
* @n PRECISION_MID_HEATER_100MS activate medium heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 110mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s
* @n PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_1S activate lowest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 20mW @ 3.3V) for 1s
* @n PRECISION_LOW_HEATER_100MS activate lowest heater power & high precis. meas. (typ. 20mW @ 3.3V) for 0.1s
void setMode(uint16_t mode) ;
* @brief 获取传感器的唯一标识符
* @return 获取成功返回传感器的唯一标识符,失败返回0
uint32_t getDeviceID();
* @brief software reset
void softwareReset() ;
* @brief Obtain raw data of temperature and humidity
* @param temp Pointer to the address of the original value of the temperature
* @param hun Pointer to the address of the original value of the humidity
* @return Is the data obtained correct? return true The data is correct ; return false The data is incorrect
bool getTandRHRawData(uint16_t *temp, uint16_t *hum);
样例代码 - 读取数据
* @file temperatureAndHumidity.ino
* @brief Measurement of temperature and humidity
* @n 本传感器可测量温湿度数据,温度的测量范围在-40~125 ℃ ,湿度的测量范围在 0~100 %RH。
* @n 本传感器提供高、中、低,三种测量精度,还提供了高、中、低,三种加热功率对片上加热器进行加热。
* @n 使用加热器的主要情景:
* @n 1、Removal of condensed / spray water on the sensor surface. Although condensed water is not a reliability / quality problem to the sensor, it will however make the sensor nonresponsive to RH changes in the air as long as there is liquid water on the surface.
* @n 2、Creep-free operation in high humid environments. Periodic heating pulses allow for creepSTXfree high-humidity measurements for extended times.
* @n 实验现象 每次1秒钟测量一次温湿度数据并且通过串口打印,当湿度超过80%RH时,启动一次加热器。
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
* @licence The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [yangfeng]<feng.yang@dfrobot.com>
* @version V1.0
* @date 2021-03-19
* @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
* @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_SHT
* 对于SHT40传感器这里支持两种型号,第一种是SHT40_AD1B, 第二种是SHT40_BD1B,这两种型号对应不同的IIC设备地址,这里对它们进行了封装,用户可传入如下两种参数
* 型号为SHT40_AD1B的传感器使用: SHT40_AD1B_IIC_ADDR
* 型号为SHT40_AD1B的传感器使用: SHT40_BD1B_IIC_ADDR
uint32_t id = 0;
float temperature, humidity;
void setup() {
while((id = SHT40.getDeviceID()) == 0){
Serial.println("ID retrieval error, please check whether the device is connected correctly!!!");
Serial.print("id :0x"); Serial.println(id, HEX);
void loop() {
* mode 用来配置传感器的工作模式
* PRECISION_HIGH measure T & RH with high precision (high repeatability)
* PRECISION_MID measure T & RH with medium precision (medium repeatability)
* PRECISION_LOW measure T & RH with lowest precision (low repeatability)
temperature = SHT40.getTemperature(/*mode = */PRECISION_HIGH);
* mode 用来配置传感器的工作模式
* PRECISION_HIGH measure T & RH with high precision (high repeatability)
* PRECISION_MID measure T & RH with medium precision (medium repeatability)
* PRECISION_LOW measure T & RH with lowest precision (low repeatability)
humidity = SHT40.getHumidity(/*mode = */PRECISION_HIGH);
if(temperature == MODE_ERR){
Serial.println("Incorrect mode configuration to get temperature");
} else{
Serial.print("Temperature :"); Serial.print(temperature); Serial.println(" C");
if(humidity == MODE_ERR){
Serial.println("The mode for getting humidity was misconfigured");
} else{
Serial.print("Humidity :"); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(" %RH");
* mode 用来配置传感器的工作模式
* PRECISION_HIGH measure T & RH with high precision (high repeatability)
* PRECISION_MID measure T & RH with medium precision (medium repeatability)
* PRECISION_LOW measure T & RH with lowest precision (low repeatability)
// Serial.print("Temperature :"); Serial.print(temperature); Serial.println(" C");
// Serial.print("Humidity :"); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(" %RH");
//} else{
// Serial.println("Pattern configuration error");
if(humidity > 80){
* mode 用来配置传感器的工作模式
* POWER_CONSUMPTION_H_HEATER_1S activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. for 1s
* POWER_CONSUMPTION_H_HEATER_100MS activate highest heater power & high precis. meas. for 0.1s
* POWER_CONSUMPTION_M_HEATER_1S activate medium heater power & high precis. meas. for 1s
* POWER_CONSUMPTION_M_HEATER_100MS activate medium heater power & high precis. meas. for 0.1s
* POWER_CONSUMPTION_L_HEATER_1S activate lowest heater power & high precis. meas. for 1s
* POWER_CONSUMPTION_L_HEATER_100MS activate lowest heater power & high precis. meas. for 0.1s
SHT40.enHeater(/*mode = */POWER_CONSUMPTION_H_HEATER_1S);
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