

LIS2DW12三轴加速度计是一款超低功耗的线性加速度计,该传感器拥有两个独立的可编程中断及专用内部引擎,可实现超多功能,例如自由落体检测、纵向/横向检测、朝向检测、可配置的单击/双击识别、运动检测、运动唤醒以实现高级省电等。我们为您提供了以上功能的示例程序,方便您在项目中轻松使用。 该传感器具有±2g /±4g /±8g /±16g的用户可选全刻度,并能够以1.6 Hz至1600 Hz的输出数据速率测量加速度。它内置多种带宽的多种运行模式,您可以按需选择合适的模式。






序号 丝印 功能描述
1 VCC/+ 5V / 3V3
3 SCL/C I2C时钟线
4 SDA/D I2C数据线







   * @brief Initialize the function
   * @return true(Initialization succeed)/fasle(Initialization failed)
  bool begin(void);

   * @brief Get chip id
   * @return 8 bit serial number
  uint8_t getID();

   * @brief Software reset to restore the value of all registers to the default value
  void softReset();

   * @brief Enable the chip to continuously collect data
   * @param enable  true(continuous update)/false( output registers not updated until MSB and LSB read)
  void continRefresh(bool enable);

   * @brief Set the filter processing mode
   * @param path path of filtering
                 eLPF   = 0x00,/< low-pass filter path selected>/
                 eHPF   = 0x10,/<high-pass filter path selected>/
  void setFilterPath(ePath_t path);

   * @brief Set the  bandwidth of the data
   * @param bw bandwidth
                 eRateDiv_2  ,/<Rate/2 (up to Rate = 800 Hz, 400 Hz when Rate = 1600 Hz)>/
                 eRateDiv_4  ,/<Rate/4 (High Power/Low power)>*
                 eRateDiv_10 ,/<Rate/10 (HP/LP)>/
                 eRateDiv_20 ,/<Rate/20 (HP/LP)>/
  void setFilterBandwidth(eBWFilter_t bw);

   * @brief Set power mode, there are two modes for the sensor to measure acceleration
   * @n       1.Continuous measurement In this mode, the sensor will continuously measure and store data in its register
   * @n       2.Single data conversion on demand mode In this mode, the sensor will not make a measurement unless it receives an external request
   * @param mode  power modes to choose from
                  eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
                  eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
                  eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
                  eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
                  eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
                  eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
                  eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
                  eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
                  eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
                  eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
                  eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
                  eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
                  eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
                  eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
                  eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
                  eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
                  eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
                  eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
  void setPowerMode(ePowerMode_t mode);

   * @brief Chip data collection rate setting
   * @param rate  Accelerometer frequency, 0-1600hz selection
                  eRate_0hz            /<Measurement off>/
                  eRate_1hz6           /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
                  eRate_12hz5          /<12.5hz>/
                  eRate_400hz         /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
                  eRate_800hz         /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
                  eRate_1k6hz         /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
                  eSetSwTrig          /<The software triggers a single measurement>/
  void setDataRate(eRate_t rate);

   * @brief Set the free fall time, or the number of free-fall samples. In a measurement, it will not be determined as a free fall event unless the samples are enough.
   * @param dur Freefall samples, range:0~31
   * @n time = dur * (1/rate)(unit:s)
     |                            An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                            |
     |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
     |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
     |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  void setFreeFallDur(uint8_t dur);

   * @brief Select the interrupt event generated on the int1 pin
   * @param event  Interrupt event, when it occurs, a level jump will be generated on the int1 pin
                   eDoubleTap    = 0x08,/<Double tap event>/
                   eFreeFall     = 0x10,/<Free-fall event>/
                   eWakeUp       = 0x20,/<Wake-up event>/
                   eSingleTap    = 0x40,/<Single tap event>/
                   e6D           = 0x80,/<An event that changes the status of facing up/down/left/right/forward/back>/
  void setInt1Event(eInt1Event_t event);

   * @brief Select the interrupt event generated on the int2 pin
   * @param event Interrupt event, when it occurs, a level jump will be generated on the int2 pin
                  eSleepChange = 0x40,/<Sleep change status routed to INT2 pad>/
                  eSleepState  = 0x80,/<Enable routing of SLEEP_STATE on INT2 pad>/
  void setInt2Event(eInt2Event_t event);

   * @brief Set wake-up duration, when using the detection mode of eDetectAct in setActMode() function, it will collect data at a normal rate
   * @n     after the chip is awakened. Then after a period of time, the chip will continue to hibernate, collecting data at a frequency of 12.5hz.
   * @param dur duration,range: 0~3
     @n time = dur * (1/rate)(unit:s)
     |                           An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                             |
     |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
     |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
     |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  void setWakeUpDur(uint8_t dur);

   * @brief Set the wake-up threshold, when the acceleration in a certain direction is greater than this value, a wake-up event will be triggered
   * @param th threshold ,unit:mg, the value is within the measurement range
  void setWakeUpThreshold(float th);

   * @brief Set the mode of motion detection, the first mode will not detect whether the module is moving; the second, once set, will measure data at a lower 
   * @n frequency to save consumption, and return to normal after detecting motion; the third can only detect whether the module is in sleep state.
   * @param mode Motion detection mode
                eNoDetection         /<No detection>/
                eDetectAct           /<Detect movement,the chip automatically goes to 12.5 Hz rate in the low-power mode>/
                eDetectStatMotion    /<Detect Motion, the chip detects acceleration below a fixed threshold but does not change either rate or operating mode>/
  void setActMode(eActDetect_t mode);

   * @brief Set the range
   * @param range 量程
                   e2_g     = 2, /<±2g>/
                   e4_g     = 4, /<±4g>/
                   e8_g     = 8, /<±8g>/
                   e16_g    = 16, /< ±16g>/
  void setRange(eRange_t range);

   * @brief Enable detect tap events in the Z direction
   * @param enable ture(Enable tap detection)\false(Disable tap detection)
  void enableTapDetectionOnZ(bool enable);

   * @brief Enable detect tap events in the Y direction
   * @param enable ture(Enable tap detection)\false(Disable tap detection)
  void enableTapDetectionOnY(bool enable);

   * @brief Enable detect tap events in the X direction
   * @param enable ture(Enable tap detection)\false(Disable tap detection)
  void enableTapDetectionOnX(bool enable);

   * @brief Set the tap threshold in the X direction
   * @param th Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of 0~2g
  void setTapThresholdOnX(float th);

   * @brief Set the tap threshold in the Y direction
   * @param th Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of 0~2g
  void setTapThresholdOnY(float th);

   * @brief Set the tap threshold in the Z direction
   * @param th Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of 0~2g
  void setTapThresholdOnZ(float th);

   * @brief Duration of maximum time gap for double-tap recognition. When double-tap 
   * @n recognition is enabled, this register expresses the maximum time between two 
   * @n successive detected taps to determine a double-tap event.
   * @param dur duration, range:0~15
   * @n time = dur * (1/rate)(unit:s)
     |                        An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                |
     |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
     |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
     |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  void setTapDur(uint8_t dur);

   * @brief Set the tap detection mode, detect single tap or both single tap and double tap 
   * @param mode Tap detection mode
                     eOnlySingle   /<Detect single tap>/
                     eBothSingleDouble /<Detect both single tap and double tap>/
  void setTapMode(eTapMode_t mode);

   * @brief Set Thresholds for 4D/6D, when the threshold of rotation exceeds the specified angle, a direction change event will occur.
   * @param degree   eDegrees80   /<80°>/
                     eDegrees70   /<70°>/
                     eDegrees60   /<60°>/
                     eDegrees50   /<50°>/
  void set6DThreshold(e6DTh_t degree);

   * @brief Read the acceleration in the x direction
   * @return  Acceleration data from x(mg), the measurement range is ±2g, ±4g, ±8g or ±16g, set by the setRange() funciton.
  int16_t readAccX();

   * @brief Read the acceleration in the y direction
   * @return  Acceleration data from y(mg), the measurement range is ±2g, ±4g, ±8g or ±16g, set by the setRange() funciton.
  int16_t readAccY();

   * @brief Read the acceleration in the z direction
   * @return  Acceleration data from z(mg), the measurement range is ±2g, ±4g, ±8g or ±16g, set by the setRange() funciton.
  int16_t readAccZ();

   * @brief Detect motion
   * @return true(Motion generated)/false(No motion)
  bool actDetected();

   * @brief Detect free fall 
   * @return true(Free-fall detected)/false(No free-fall)
  bool freeFallDetected();

   * @brief Detect whether the direction of the chip changes when the chip is facing up/down/left/right/forward/back (ie 6D)
   * @return true(a change in position detected)/false(no event detected)
  bool oriChangeDetected();

   * @brief Only in 6D (facing up/down/left/right/forward/backward) state can the function get the orientation of the sensor relative to the positive z-axis.
   * @return    eXDown  /<X is now down>/
                eXUp    /<X is now up>/
                eYDown  /<Y is now down>/
                eYUp    /<Y is now up>/
                eZDown  /<Z is now down>/
                eZUp    /<Z is now up>/
  eOrient_t getOrientation();

   * @brief Tap detection, can detect it is double tap or single tap
   * @return   eSTap       /<Single Tap>/
               eDTap       /<double Tap>/
               eNoTap,     //No tap 
  eTap_t tapDetect();

   * @brief Tap direction source detection
   * @return   eDirXUp   /<Tap is detected in the positive direction of X>/
               eDirXDown /<Tap is detected in the negative direction of X>/
               eDirYUp   /<Tap is detected in the positive direction of Y>/
               eDirYDown /<Tap is detected in the negative direction of Y>/
               eDirZUp   /<Tap is detected in the positive direction of Z>/
               eDirZDown /<Tap is detected in the negative direction of Z>/
  eTapDir_t getTapDirection();

   * @brief Wake-up motion direction detection
   * @return   eDirX    /<The chip is woken up by the motion in X direction>/
               eDirY    /<The chip is woken up by the motion in Y direction>/
               eDirZ    /<The chip is woken up by the motion in Z direction>/
               eDirError,/<Error detected>/
  eWakeUpDir_t getWakeUpDir();

   * @brief In Single data conversion on demand mode, request a measurement.
  void demandData();


 * @file getAcceleration.ino
 * @brief Get the acceleration in the three directions of xyz, the range can be ±2g, ±4g, ±8g or ±16g, set by the setRange() function
 * @n In this example, the continuous measurement mode is selected by default -- the acceleration data will be measured continuously according to the measuring rate.
 * @n You can also use the single data conversion on demand mode 1. You need to select a suitable conversion mode in the setPowerMode() function
 * @n                                                            2. Fill in the setDataRate() function with the eSetSwTrig parameter
 * @n                                                            3. Request a measurement by the demandData() function
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of LIS2DW12_CS
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>
//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);

void setup(void){

     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Chip soft reset
  //Set whether to collect data continuously

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

    Filter settings:
           eLPF (Low pass filter)
           eHPF (High pass filter)

    Set bandwidth:
        eRateDiv_2  /<Rate/2 (up to Rate = 800 Hz, 400 Hz when Rate = 1600 Hz)>/
        eRateDiv_4  /<Rate/4 (High Power/Low power)>*
        eRateDiv_10 /<Rate/10 (HP/LP)>/
        eRateDiv_20 /< Rate/20 (HP/LP)>/

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

void loop(void){
    //Request a measurement under single data conversion on demand mode
    //The mearsurement range is ±2g,±4g,±8g or ±16g, set by the setRange() function.
    Serial.print("x: ");
    //Read the acceleration in the x direction
    Serial.print(" mg \ty: ");
    //Read the acceleration in the y direction
    Serial.print(" mg \tz: ");
    //Read the acceleration in the z direction
    Serial.println(" mg");



 * @file wakeUp.ino
 * @brief When the acceleration change in x, y or z direction is detected to exceed the threshold we set before, the chip will generate a wake-up event.
 * @n By accessing the chip register, we can know which direction of movement wakes up the chip.
 * @n In this example, it is necessary to set the wake-up duration by setWakeUpDur().
 * @n When woken up, the chip will last for a while before it enters the sleep state.
 * @n And to set the threshold by setWakeUpThreshold(). When the acceleration change exceeds this value, the eWakeUp event will be triggered.
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of LIS2DW12_CS
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs  Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);

void setup(void){
     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Chip soft reset

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

    Filter settings:
           eLPF(Low pass filter)
           eHPF(High pass filter)

    The wake-up duration – when woken up, the chip will last for a while before it enters the sleep state.
    dur (0 ~ 3)
    time = dur * (1/Rate)(unit:s)
    |                      An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                  |
    |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
    |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
    |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  acce.setWakeUpDur(/*dur =*/2);

  //Set wakeup threshold, when the acceleration change exceeds this value, the eWakeUp event will be triggered, unit:mg
  //The value is within the range
  acce.setWakeUpThreshold(/*threshold = */0.5);

    Set the interrupt event of the int1 pin:
    eDoubleTap(Double click)
    eFreeFall(Free fall)
    e6D(Orientation change check)

    Set the interrupt event of the int1 pin:
       eSleepChange = 0x40,/<Sleep change status routed to INT2 pad>/
       eSleepState  = 0x80,/<Enable routing of SLEEP_STATE on INT2 pad>/

void loop(void){

   //Wake-up event detected
     Serial.print("wake-up event happened in ");
     //Wake-up motion direction detection
     DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eWakeUpDir_t dir  = acce.getWakeUpDir();
     if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirX){
       Serial.println("x direction");
     if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirY){
       Serial.println("y direction");
     if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirZ){
       Serial.println("z direction");



 * @file tap.ino
 * @brief Single tap and double tap detection, tapping the module or the desktop near the module both can trigger the tap event
 * @n You can select to detect single tap or to detect both single tap and double tap by the setTapMode() function
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of LIS2DW12_CS
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs  Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);

void setup(void){
     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Chip soft reset

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

  //Enable tap detection in the Z direction
  //Enable tap detection in Y direction
  //Enable tap detection in the X direction
  //The threshold setting in the X direction 
  //Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of ±2g
  acce.setTapThresholdOnX(/*Threshold = */0.5);
  //The threshold setting in the Y direction   //Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of ±2g
  acce.setTapThresholdOnY(/*Threshold = */0.5);
  //The threshold setting in the Z direction   //Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of ±2g)
  acce.setTapThresholdOnZ(/*Threshold = */0.5);

    Set the interval time between two taps when detecting double tap
    dur duration(0 ~ 15)
    time = dur * (1/ODR)(unit:s)
    |                                An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                               |
    |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
    |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
    |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |

    Set tap detection mode:
       eOnlySingle(Single tap)
       eBothSingleDouble(Single tap and double tap)

    Set the interrupt source of the int1 pin:
      eDoubleTap(Double tap)
      eFreeFall(Free fall)
      e6D(Orientation change check)


void loop(void){
  //tap detected
  DFRobot_LIS2DW12:: eTap_t tapEvent = acce.tapDetect();
  //Tap source detection
  DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eTapDir_t dir = acce.getTapDirection();
  uint8_t tap = 0;
  if(tapEvent  == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eSTap){
      Serial.print("Single Tap Detected :");
      tap = 1;
  if(tapEvent  == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDTap){  
      Serial.print("Double Tap Detected :");
      tap = 1;
  if(tap == 1){
      if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirXUp){
        Serial.println("tap is detected in the positive direction of X");
      }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirXDown){
        Serial.println("tap is detected in the negative direction of X");
      }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirYUp){
        Serial.println("tap is detected in the positive direction of Y");
      }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirYDown){
        Serial.println("tap is detected in the negative direction of Y");
      }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirZUp){
        Serial.println("tap is detected in the positive direction of Z");
      }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirZDown){
        Serial.println("tap is detected in the negative direction of Z");
      tap = 0;


样例代码4-敲击中断功能(tapInterrupt.ino) (仅Breakout版本可使用)

 * @file tapInterrupt.ino
 * @brief tap interrupt detection, tapping the module and the desktop near the module can both trigger the interrupt level on pin int1.
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of macro LIS2DW12_CS
 * @n In this example, the int2/int1 pin on the module needs to be connected to the interrupt pin on the motherboard. Default UNO(2),
 * @n                   Mega2560(2), Leonardo(3), microbit(P0),FireBeetle-ESP8266(D6),FireBeetle-ESP32((D6),FireBeetle-M0(6)        
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs  Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);

volatile uint8_t intFlag = 0;
void interEvent(){
  intFlag = 1;

void setup(void){

     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Chip soft reset
  #if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
  //The D6 pin is used as the interrupt pin by default, and other non-conflicting pins can also be selected as the external interrupt pin
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(D6)/*Query the interrupt number of the D6 pin*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
  #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
  //The 5 pin is used as the interrupt pin by default, and other non-conflicting pins can also be selected as the external interrupt pin
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(5)/*Query the interrupt number of the 5 pin*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
  /*    The Correspondence Table of AVR Series Arduino Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * |                                        |  DigitalPin  | 2  | 3  |                   |
   * |    Uno, Nano, Mini, other 328-based    |--------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        | Interrupt No | 0  | 1  |                   |
   * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        |    Pin       | 2  | 3  | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 |
   * |               Mega2560                 |--------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        | Interrupt No | 0  | 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  | 5  |
   * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        |    Pin       | 3  | 2  | 0  | 1  | 7  |    |
   * |    Leonardo, other 32u4-based          |--------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        | Interrupt No | 0  | 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  |    |
   * |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  /*                      The Correspondence Table of micro:bit Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * |             micro:bit                       | DigitalPin |P0-P20 can be used as an external interrupt                                     |
   * |  (When using as an external interrupt,      |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   * |no need to set it to input mode with pinMode)|Interrupt No|Interrupt number is a pin digital value, such as P0 interrupt number 0, P1 is 1 |
   * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  attachInterrupt(/*Interrupt No*/0,interEvent,CHANGE);//Open the external interrupt 0, connect INT1/2 to the digital pin of the main control: 
     //UNO(2), Mega2560(2), Leonardo(3), microbit(P0).

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, Measurement off>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

  //Enable tap detection in the Z direction
  //Enable tap detection in Y direction
  //Enable tap detection in the X direction
  //The threshold setting in the X direction 
  //Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of ±2g
  acce.setTapThresholdOnX(/*Threshold = */0.5);
  //The threshold setting in the Y direction   //Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of ±2g
  acce.setTapThresholdOnY(/*Threshold = */0.5);
  //The threshold setting in the Z direction   //Threshold(mg),Can only be used in the range of ±2g)
  acce.setTapThresholdOnZ(/*Threshold = */0.5);

    Set the interval time between two taps when detecting double tap 
    dur duration(0 ~ 15)
    time = dur * (1/ODR)(unit:s)
    |                      An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                  |
    |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
    |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
    |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |

    Set tap detection mode:
      eOnlySingle(single tap)
      eBothSingleDouble(Single tap and double tap)

    Set the interrupt source of the int1 pin:
      eDoubleTap(Double tap)
      eFreeFall(Free fall)
      e6D(Orientation change check)

void loop(void){
  if(intFlag == 1){
   //Tap detected
     DFRobot_LIS2DW12:: eTap_t tapEvent = acce.tapDetect();
    //Tap direction source detection
     DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eTapDir_t dir = acce.getTapDirection();
     if(tapEvent  == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eSTap){
         Serial.print("Single Tap Detected :");
     if(tapEvent  == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDTap){  
         Serial.print("Double Tap Detected :");
     if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirXUp){
       Serial.println("tap is detected in the positive direction of X");
     }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirXDown){
       Serial.println("tap is detected in the negative direction of X");
     }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirYUp){
       Serial.println("tap is detected in the positive direction of Y");
     }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirYDown){
       Serial.println("tap is detected in the negative direction of Y");
     }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirZUp){
       Serial.println("tap is detected in the positive direction of Z");
     }else if(dir == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eDirZDown){
       Serial.println("tap is detected in the negative direction of Z");
     intFlag = 0;



 * @file freeFall.ino
 * @brief Sensor module free fall detection, set the free fall time with the setFrDur() function to adjust the sensitivity of the detection.
 * @n The shorter the free fall time we set, the easier for the module to detect the free fall event
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of LIS2DW12_CS
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs  Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);

void setup(void){
     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Chip soft reset
  //Set whether to collect data continuously

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

   * Set the free fall time (Or the number of free-fall samples. In a measurement, it will not be determined as a free-fall event unless the free-fall samples are sufficient.)
    dur (0 ~ 31)
    time = dur * (1/Rate)(unit:s)
    |                     An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                   |
    |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
    |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
    |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  acce.setFreeFallDur(/*dur = */3);

    Set the interrupt source of the int1 pin:
    eDoubleTap(Double click)
    eFreeFall(Free fall)
    e6D(Orientation change check)

void loop(void){
   //Free fall event detected
      Serial.println("free fall detected");



 * @file freeFallInterrupt.ino
 * @brief Interrupt detection of free fall, an interrupt signal will be generated in int1 once a free fall event occurs.
 * @n When a free-fall motion is detected, it will be printed on the serial port.
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of LIS2DW12_CS
 * @n In this example, the int2/int1 pin on the module needs to be connected to the interrupt pin on the motherboard. Default UNO(2), 
 * @n                                 Mega2560(2), Leonardo(3), microbit(P0),FireBeetle-ESP8266(D6),FireBeetle-ESP32((D6),FireBeetle-M0(6)
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS
#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS P3
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);

volatile uint8_t intFlag = 0;
void interEvent(){
  intFlag = 1;

void setup(void){

     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");

  #if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
  //By default, the D6 pin is used as the interrupt pin, and other non-conflicting pins can also be selected as the external interrupt pin.
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(D6)/*Query the interrupt number of the D6 pin*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
  #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
  //By default, the 5 pin is used as the interrupt pin, and other non-conflicting pins can also be selected as the external interrupt pin.
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(5)/*Query the interrupt number of the pin 5*/,interEvent,CHANGE);
  /*    The Correspondence Table of AVR Series Arduino Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * |                                        |  DigitalPin  | 2  | 3  |                   |
   * |    Uno, Nano, Mini, other 328-based    |--------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        | Interrupt No | 0  | 1  |                   |
   * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        |    Pin       | 2  | 3  | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 |
   * |               Mega2560                 |--------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        | Interrupt No | 0  | 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  | 5  |
   * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        |    Pin       | 3  | 2  | 0  | 1  | 7  |    |
   * |    Leonardo, other 32u4-based          |--------------------------------------------|
   * |                                        | Interrupt No | 0  | 1  | 2  | 3  | 4  |    |
   * |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  /*                      The Correspondence Table of micro:bit Interrupt Pins And Terminal Numbers
   * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * |             micro:bit                       | DigitalPin |P0-P20 can be used as an external interrupt                                     |
   * |  (When using as an external interrupt,      |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
   * |no need to set it to input mode with pinMode)|Interrupt No|Interrupt number is a pin digital value, such as P0 interrupt number 0, P1 is 1 |
   * |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  attachInterrupt(/*Interrupt No*/0,interEvent,CHANGE);//Enable the external interrupt 0, connect INT1/2 to the digital pin of the main control: 
     //UNO(2), Mega2560(2), Leonardo(3), microbit(P0).

  //Chip soft reset
  //Set whether to collect data continuously

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement.>/

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

  //The duration of free fall (0~31), the larger the value, the longer it takes to detect a free fall event
   * Set the free fall time (Or the number of free-fall samples. In a measurement, it will not be determined as a free fall event unless the samples are enough.)
    dur range(0 ~ 31)
    time = dur * (1/Rate)(unit:s)
    |                                 An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                                        |
    |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
    |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
    |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  acce.setFreeFallDur(/*dur = */3);

    Set the interrupt source of the int1 pin:
    eDoubleTap(Double click)
    eFreeFall(Free fall)
    e6D(Orientation change check)

void loop(void){

   if(intFlag == 1){
   //Free fall event detected
      Serial.println("free fall detected");
    intFlag = 0;


 * @file activityDetect.ino
 * @brief Motion detection, can detect whether the module is moving
 * @n It’s necessary to go into low power mode before using this function. Then call setActMode() to make the chip in sleep mode. 
 * @n In this state, the measurement rate is 12.5hz.
 * @n When the acceleration change in a certain direction is detected to exceed the threshold, the measurement rate will be increased 
 * @n to the normal rate we set before. The threshold can be set by the setWakeUpThreshold() function.
 * @n But if the move stops moving, also, the acceleration change in the three directions is less than the threshold, the chip will turn into sleep
 * @n mode after a period of time. This duration time can be set by the setWakeUpDur() function.
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of LIS2DW12_CS.
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs  Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);

void setup(void){
     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Software reset

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /<±16g>/

    Filter settings:
           eLPF(Low pass filter)
           eHPF(High pass filter)

    Set bandwidth:
        eRateDiv_2  ,/<Rate/2 (up to Rate = 800 Hz, 400 Hz when Rate = 1600 Hz)>/
        eRateDiv_4  ,/<Rate/4 (High Power/Low power)>*
        eRateDiv_10 ,/<Rate/10 (HP/LP)>/
        eRateDiv_20 ,/< Rate/20 (HP/LP)>/

     Wake-up duration: when using the detection mode of eDetectAct in the setActMode() function, it will collect data
   at a normal rate after the chip is awakened. Then after a period of time, the chip will continue to hibernate, collecting data at a frequency of 12.5hz.
    dur (0 ~ 3)
    time = dur * (1/Rate)(unit:s)
    |                    An example of a linear relationship between an argument and time                                    |
    |                |                     |                          |                          |                           |
    |  Data rate     |       25 Hz         |         100 Hz           |          400 Hz          |         = 800 Hz          |
    |   time         |dur*(1s/25)= dur*40ms|  dur*(1s/100)= dur*10ms  |  dur*(1s/400)= dur*2.5ms |  dur*(1s/800)= dur*1.25ms |
  acce.setWakeUpDur(/*dur = */2);

  //Set wakeup threshold, when the acceleration change exceeds this value, the eWakeUp event will be triggered, unit:mg
  //The value is within the range.
  acce.setWakeUpThreshold(/*threshold = */0.2);

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the mode of motion detection:
    eNoDetection       /<No detection>/
    eDetectAct         /<If set this mode, the rate of the chip will drop to 12.5hz and turn into normal measurement frequency 
                        after the eWakeUp event is generated.>/
    eDetectStatMotion  /<In this mode, it can only detect if the chip is in sleep mode without changing the measurement frequency
                         and power mode, continuously measuring the data at normal frequency.>/

    Set the interrupt source of the int1 pin:
    eDoubleTap(Double click)
    eFreeFall(Free fall)
    eWakeUp(wake up)
    e6D(Orientation change check)

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

void loop(void){
    //Motion detected
        Serial.println("Activity Detected!");
        Serial.print("x: ");
        Serial.print(" mg \t y: ");
        Serial.print(" mg \t z: ");
        Serial.println(" mg");



 * @file orientation.ino
 * @brief When detecting the orientation of the module, the sensor can detect the following six events:
 * @n Positive z-axis is facing up
 * @n Positive z-axis is facing down
 * @n Positive y-axis is facing up
 * @n Positive y-axis is facing down
 * @n Positive x-axis is facing up
 * @n Positive x-axis is facing down
 * @n When using SPI, chip select pin can be modified by changing the value of macro LIS2DW12_CS
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (https://www.dfrobot.com)
 * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
 * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
 * @version  V1.0
 * @date  2021-01-16
 * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
 * @https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS
#include <DFRobot_LIS2DW12.h>

//When using I2C communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param pWire I2c controller
 * @param addr  I2C address(0x18/0x19)
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce(&Wire,0x18);
DFRobot_LIS2DW12_I2C acce;

//When using SPI communication, use the following program to construct an object by DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI
#if defined(ESP32) || defined(ESP8266)
#define LIS2DW12_CS  D3
#elif defined(__AVR__) || defined(ARDUINO_SAM_ZERO)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 3
#elif (defined NRF5)
#define LIS2DW12_CS 2  //The pin on the development board with the corresponding silkscreen printed as P2
 * @brief Constructor 
 * @param cs Chip selection pinChip selection pin
 * @param spi SPI controller
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS,&SPI);
//DFRobot_LIS2DW12_SPI acce(/*cs = */LIS2DW12_CS);

int lastOrientation = 0; //No event happened

void setup(void){

     Serial.println("Communication failed, check the connection and I2C address setting when using I2C communication.");
  Serial.print("chip id : ");
  //Chip soft reset

    Set the sensor measurement range:
                   e2_g   /<±2g>/
                   e4_g   /<±4g>/
                   e8_g   /<±8g>/
                   e16_g  /< ±16g>/

   Set power mode:
       eHighPerformance_14bit         /<High-Performance Mode,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwr4_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr3_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eContLowPwr2_14bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)/
       eContLowPwr1_12bit             /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr4_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr3_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr2_14bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution)>/
       eSingleLowPwr1_12bit           /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution)>/
       eHighPerformanceLowNoise_14bit /<High-Performance Mode,Low-noise enabled,14-bit resolution>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eContLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit     /<Continuous measurement,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution,Low-noise enabled)>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise4_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 4(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise3_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 3(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise2_14bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 2(14-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/
       eSingleLowPwrLowNoise1_12bit   /<Single data conversion on demand mode,Low-Power Mode 1(12-bit resolution),Low-noise enabled>/

    Set the sensor data collection rate:
               eRate_0hz           /<Measurement off>/
               eRate_1hz6          /<1.6hz, use only under low-power mode>/
               eRate_12hz5         /<12.5hz>/
               eRate_400hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_800hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eRate_1k6hz       /<Use only under High-Performance mode>/
               eSetSwTrig        /<The software triggers a single measurement>/

    Set the threshold of the angle when turning:
                     eDegrees80   (80°)
                     eDegrees70   (70°)
                     eDegrees60   (60°)
                     eDegrees50   (50°)

    Set the interrupt source of the int1 pin:
    eDoubleTap(Double click)
    eFreeFall(Free fall)
    e6D(Orientation change check)


void loop(void){
    //check Changes detected in six directions
        DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eOrient_t orientation = acce.getOrientation();
        if(lastOrientation != orientation){
            if(orientation == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eXDown){
             Serial.println("X is down now");
            if(orientation == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eXUp){
             Serial.println("X is up now");
            if(orientation == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eYDown){
             Serial.println("Y is down now");
            if(orientation == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eYUp){
             Serial.println("Y is up now");
            if(orientation == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eZDown){
             Serial.println("Z is down now");
            if(orientation == DFRobot_LIS2DW12::eZUp){
             Serial.println("Z is up now");
            lastOrientation = orientation;






  1. 启动树莓派的I2C接口。如已开启,可跳过该步骤。 打开终端(Terminal),键入如下指令,并回车:

    sudo raspi-config 

    然后用上下键选择“ 5 Interfacing Options ”, 按回车进入,选择 “ P5 I2C ”, 按回车确认“ YES ”即可。重启树莓派主控板。

  2. 安装Python依赖库与git,树莓派需要联网。如已安装,可跳过该步骤。 在终端中,依次键入如下指令,并回车:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-smbus git
  3. 下载LIS系列驱动库。在终端中,依次键入如下指令,并回车:

    cd Desktop
    git clone https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_LIS

注意: 若您选择使用I2C(0X18)的通信方式,需要修改demo至相应的通信,您可能会遇到没有权限修改示例程序的情况,以下是解决办法:


ls -al  


sudo chmod a+w XXX.py












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