








颜色 名称 功能描述
红色 VCC 电源正极
黑色 GND 电源负极
绿色 SDA 数据线
黄色 SCL 时钟线





   * @brief 获取测量到的温度(单位:摄氏度)
   * @return 返回float类型的温度数据
  float getTemperatureC();

   * @brief 获取测量到的温度(单位:华氏度)
   * @return 返回float类型的温度数据
  float getTemperatureF();
   * @brief 获取测量到的湿度(单位:%RH)
   * @return 返回float类型的湿度数据
  float getHumidityRH();



样例代码1 - 单次测量温湿度模式


     * @brief Construct the function
     * @param pWire I2C bus pointer object and construction device, can both pass or not pass parameters, Wire in default.
     * @param address Chip I2C address, two optional addresse.
     * @file singleMeasurement.ino
     * @brief Read ambient temperature (C/F) and relative humidity (%RH) in single-read mode.
     * @n Experimental phenomenon: the chip defaults in this mode, we need to send instructions to enable the chip collect data,
     * which means the repeatability of the read needs to be set (the difference between the data measured by the chip under the same measurement conditions)
     * then read the temperature and humidity data and print the data in the serial port.
     * @n Single measure mode: read data as needed, power consumption is relatively low, the chip idle state only costs 0.5mA.
     * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
     * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
     * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
     * @version  V1.0
     * @date  2019-08-21
     * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
     * @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_SHT3x

    #include <DFRobot_SHT3x.h>

     * @brief Construct the function
     * @param pWire I2C bus pointer object and construction device, both can pass or not pass parameters,
     * Wire in default.
     * @param address Chip I2C address, two optional addresses 0x44 and 0x45(0x45 in default).
     * @param RST RST Chip reset pin, 4 in default.
     * @n I2C address is determined by the pin addr on the chip.
     * @n When the ADR is connected to VDD, the chip I2C address is 0x45.
     * @n When the ADR is connected to GND, the chip I2C address is 0x44.

    DFRobot_SHT3x sht3x(&Wire,/*address=*/0x44,/*RST=*/4);
    //DFRobot_SHT3x   sht3x;

    void setup() {
      //Initialize the chip
      while (sht3x.begin() != 0) {
        Serial.println("Failed to Initialize the chip, please confirm the wire connection");
       * readSerialNumber Read the serial number of the chip.
       * @return Return 32-digit serial number.
      Serial.print("Chip serial number");

       * softReset Send command resets via I2C, enter the chip's default mode single-measure mode,
       * turn off the heater, and clear the alert of the ALERT pin.
       * @return Read the register status to determine whether the command was executed successfully,
       * and return true indicates success.
         Serial.println("Failed to Initialize the chip....");

       * heaterEnable(): Turn on the heater inside the chip to enable the sensor get correct humidity value in wet environments.
       * @return Read the status of the register to determine whether the command was executed successfully,
       * and return true indicates success.
       * @note Heaters should be used in wet environments, and other cases of use will result in incorrect readings

      // Serial.println("Failed to turn on the heater....");
      Serial.println("------------------Read adta in single measurement mode-----------------------");

    void loop() {
      Serial.print("Ambient Temperature(°C/F):");
       * getTemperatureC Get the meansured temperature(℃).
       * @return Return float temperature data.
      Serial.print(" C/");
       * getTemperatureF:Get the meansured temperature(℉).
       * @return Return float temperature data.
      Serial.print(" F ");
      Serial.print("Relative Humidity(%RH):");
       * getHumidityRH: Get the meansured humidity (%RH)
       * @return Return float humidity data
      Serial.println(" %RH");

       * @brief Get temperature and humidity data in single measurement mode.
       * @param repeatability Set repeatability to read temperature and humidity data with the type eRepeatability_t.
       * @note  Optional parameters:
                   eRepeatability_High /**In high repeatability mode, the humidity repeatability is 0.10%RH, the temperature repeatability is 0.06°C
                   eRepeatability_Medium,/**In medium repeatability mode, the humidity repeatability is 0.15%RH, the temperature repeatability is 0.12°C.
                   eRepeatability_Low, /**In low repeatability mode, the humidity repeatability is0.25%RH, the temperature repeatability is 0.24°C
       * @return Return a structure containing celsius temperature (°C), Fahrenheit temperature (°F), relative humidity(%RH), status code.
       * @n Return O indicates right data return.
      DFRobot_SHT3x::sRHAndTemp_t data = sht3x.readTemperatureAndHumidity(sht3x.eRepeatability_High);
      if(data.ERR == 0){
        Serial.print("Ambient Temperature(°C/F):");
        Serial.print(" C/");
        Serial.print(" F ");
        Serial.print("Relative Humidity(%RH):");
        Serial.println(" %RH");




样例代码2 - 周期测量温湿度模式


     * @file periodicDataReading.ino
     * @brief Read ambient temperature (C/F) and relative humidity (%RH) in cycle read mode.
     * @n Experimental phenomenon: Before we start, please set the read frequency and repeatability of the read
     * (the difference between the data measured by the chip under the same measurement conditions),
     * and enter the periodic read mode, and then read the temperature and humidity data.
     * @n The temperature and humidity data will be printed at the serial port, after 10 seconds of operation.
     * @n It will exit the cycle mode and enter 2 measurement mode: Single measurement mode and Cycle measurement mode.
     * @n Single measurement mode: reflect the difference between the two modes of reading data.
     * @n Cycle measurement mode: the chip periodically monitors temperature and humidity, only in this mode the ALERT pin will work.
     * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (http://www.dfrobot.com)
     * @licence     The MIT License (MIT)
     * @author [fengli](li.feng@dfrobot.com)
     * @version  V1.0
     * @date  2019-08-20
     * @get from https://www.dfrobot.com
     * @url https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_SHT3x

    #include <DFRobot_SHT3x.h>

     * @brief Construct the function
     * @param pWire I2C bus pointer object and construction device, can both pass or not pass parameters, Wire in default.
     * @param address Chip I2C address, two optional addresses 0x44 and 0x45(0x45 in default).
     * @param RST Chip reset pin, 4 in default.
     * @n The I2C address is determined by the pin addr on the chip.
     * @n When the ADR is connected to VDD, the chip I2C address is 0x45.
     * @n When the ADR is connected to GND, the chip I2C address is 0x44.

    DFRobot_SHT3x sht3x(&Wire,/*address=*/0x44,/*RST=*/4);
    //DFRobot_SHT3x   sht3x;

    void setup() {

        //Initialize the chip to detect if it can communicate properly.
      while (sht3x.begin() != 0) {
        Serial.println("Failed to initialize the chip, please confirm the chip connection");

       * readSerialNumber Read the serial number of the chip
       * @return Return 32-digit serial number
      Serial.print("chip serial number: ");
       * softReset Send command resets via I2C, enter the chip's default mode single-measure mode,
       * turn off the heater, and clear the alert of the ALERT pin.
       * @return Read the status register to determine whether the command was executed successfully,
       * and return true indicates success.
         Serial.println("Failed to reset the chip");

       * pinReset Reset through the chip's reset pin, enter the chip's default mode single-measure mode,
       * turn off the heater, and clear the alert of the ALERT pin.
       * @return The status register has a data bit that detects whether the chip has been reset,
       * and return true indicates success.
       * @note When using this API, the reset pin of the chip nRESET should be connected to RST (default to pin4) of arduino.
        //Serial.println("Failed to reset the chip");

       * heaterEnable() Turn on the heater inside the chip so that the sensor can have accurate humidity data even in humid environment.
       * @return Read the status register to determine whether the command was executed successfully, and return true indicates success.
       * @NOTE Heaters should be used in wet environment, and other cases of use will result in incorrect readings.
        // Serial.println("Failed to turn on the heater");
       * startPeriodicMode Enter cycle measurement mode and set repeatability and read frequency.
       * @param measureFreq Read the eMeasureFrequency_t data frequency.
       * @note  Selectable parameters:
                   eMeasureFreq_Hz5,   /**the chip collects data in every 2s
                   eMeasureFreq_1Hz,   /**the chip collects data in every 1s
                   eMeasureFreq_2Hz,   /**the chip collects data in every 0.5s
                   eMeasureFreq_4Hz,   /**the chip collects data in every 0.25s
                   eMeasureFreq_10Hz   /**the chip collects data in every 0.1s
       * @param repeatability Read the repeatability of temperature and humidity data, the default parameter is eRepeatability_High.
       * @note  Optional parameters:
                   eRepeatability_High /**In high repeatability mode, the humidity repeatability is 0.10%RH, the temperature repeatability is 0.06°C
                   eRepeatability_Medium,/**In medium repeatability mode, the humidity repeatability is 0.15%RH, the temperature repeatability is 0.12°C.
                   eRepeatability_Low, /**In low repeatability mode, the humidity repeatability is0.25%RH, the temperature repeatability is 0.24°C
       * @return Read the status of the register to determine whether the command was executed successfully, and return true indicates success
        Serial.println("Failed to enter the periodic mode");
      Serial.println("------------------Read data in cycle measurement mode-----------------------");

    void loop() {

      Serial.print("Ambient temperature(°C/F):");
       * getTemperatureC Get the measured temperature (in degrees Celsius).
       * @return Return the float temperature data.
      Serial.print(" C/");
       * getTemperatureF Get the measured temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit).
       * @return Return the float temperature data.
      Serial.print(" F ");
      Serial.print("Relative humidity(%RH):");
       * getHumidityRH Get measured humidity(%RH)
       * @return Return the float humidity data
      Serial.println(" %RH");
      //Please adjust the frequency of reading according to the frequency of the chip collection data.
      //The frequency to read data must be greater than the frequency to collect the data, otherwise the returned data will go wrong.
      if(millis() > 10000 && millis() < 10200){
         * stopPeriodicMode() Exit from the cycle read data
         * @return Read the status of the register to determine whether the command was executed successfully,
         * and return true indicates success.
        Serial.println("Exited from the cycle measurement mode, enter the single measurement mode");
       * readTemperatureAndHumidity Get temperature and humidity data in cycle measurement mode and use structures to receive data
       * @return Return a structure containing celsius temperature (°C), Fahrenheit temperature (°F), relative humidity (%RH), status code.
       * @n A status of 0 indicates that the right return data.

      DFRobot_SHT3x::sRHAndTemp_t data = sht3x.readTemperatureAndHumidity();
      if(data.ERR == 0){
        Serial.print("ambient temperature(°C/F):");
        Serial.print("relative humidity(%RH):");






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